Improve new key competences (in general) and digital competences (in particular) among educators

DigiGap project has two clear objectives: First, to increase the capacity and readiness of the schools participating in the project to manage an effective shift towards digital education. This will be done by promoting the use of digital technologies and the development of digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools by educators.

In this way, we will achieve our next goal: that students become true digital educators in their own homes and become the digital teachers of their parents. DigiGap project aims to minimize the digital divide between students and their families through an action plan (assigning students the role of digital educators in their own families). We are talking about households in which parents or relatives; grandparents among others, because of their age and because they face strong socioeconomic difficulties, are families with fewer opportunities, who do not know any new language or digital tool that allows them to be in the labor market. They are households in which it is necessary to promote social and labor inclusion by creating inclusive environments that promote equity and equality.

We will provide teachers, institutions, schools and other educational entities with specific tools to proceed with this digital transformation and become environments that promote and enable in an accessible way the incorporation of students into digital contexts. We will develop key competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) to overcome the digital divide. We will strengthen the professional competencies of teachers; we will test innovative practices to prepare students of all ages and educational staff to become “digital agents of change”.

Schools will be the foundation for improving children’s global mindsets and activities related to global citizenship. Tap into students’ motivations by providing them with opportunities to explore, discover and critically understand issues and the enhancement of digital competence. Use the curriculum to pursue the competencies needed to take effective and appropriate action on global issues, and employ the most appropriate pedagogies to foster the development of these competencies. Provide opportunities for students to put their competencies into practice. Provide opportunities for students to interact with different cultures in the classroom, in their neighborhood and through the Internet, so that they can experience contact with different cultures.